Connecting to SAINTS-BYOD

Modified on Tue, 16 Mar 2021 at 10:23 AM

  • Navigate to your Wi-Fi settings on your device.

  • From the list available select SAINTS-BYOD 
  • You will then be faced with this page, please put in the following information in (in bold)


  1. EAP Method: PEAP
  2. Phase 2 Authentication: MSCHAPV2
  3. CA Certificate: Do Not Validate
  4. Identity: (Windows user - School Username)
  5. Anonymous Identity: (Windows user - School Username)
  6. Password: (Windows user - School password)

* Please be aware for the Identity, Anonymous Identity and Password, these are your school username and password that you logon to the school computers with.*

  • Then just press Connect.

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