I can't get into my webinar

Modified on Wed, 23 Jun 2021 at 10:25 AM

Are you having permission issues when connecting to a webinar?

Can't access the downloaded file that is needed to connect to the webinar?

This document will initially deal with GoTo Webinar but we can add additional suppliers as we come across them.

Most webinar providers have a standard URL for connecting.  Then additional code or emails are required.  Codes should be emailed to you so read the message carefully.

GoTo Webinar URL:  https://gotomeeting.com/webinar/join-webinar

Code:  This will be listed as Webinar ID.  Example below

When you type in the code and the email you booked the webinar with it will pop up with the following message:

Once you click Open you should be into the webinar.

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