How to Book Laptop's At Saint Augustine's Catholic High School

Modified on Tue, 06 Dec 2022 at 10:21 AM

Laptop, iPad and Minibus Booking Guide 2022  

Laptop Trolley's need to be collected from their relevant location by either staff or students.

It is the responsibility of whomever is taking the lesson to ensure that the students 

place the laptops back on charge and return the trolley.

Any damages or technical issues to be reported to IT 

From the desktop you will be able to access the booking system by clicking this Shortcut( see below) 
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This will bring you to the portal web page, use your computer login to access this. 
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Once logged in you will be brought to the booking system screen that shows both available booking slots and also when/where they have been booked. 
To book , click on any of the free (green) slots , please fill in all the options so we know where they are needed and who for. ( For recurrent bookings please email us the days/times) 
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The booking will then turn red letting others know that they are unavailable for that lesson and avoid double bookings.


A Star Indicates where the Trolley's are to be collected from and returned to at the end of each lesson

Trolley A – English (Green) & Trolley C – VOC (Blue) 



Trolley B – Science (Yellow) 

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