Installing Broadband Certificate Windows 10

Modified on Wed, 12 Apr 2023 at 03:09 PM

This guide is to install the Lourdes Broadband Certificate on Devices running Windows 10.

  1. First you will need the Certificate file, this is found at the bottom of this page. Or go to HTTP://

  2. Once downloaded Double click the certificate, Found in your Downloads folder, you might get a warning message, click open-
  3. Once Open, you will need to click to "install certificate" - 
  4. Ensure you select "Current User" and then click "Next" - 
  5. On the next page select "place all certificates in the following store" and then click "Browse"-
  6. Within the "select Certificate Store" make sure "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" is Selected and click "OK" - 
  7. This brings you back to wizard, double check that the "Certificate Store"  has "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" filled out and Click "Next". If not repeat the previous steps to select the correct certificate store. - 
  8. The final screen is to confirm what you have done, clicking "Finish" Imports the Certificate.
  9. You should now get this final prompt to confirm you have installed the certificate - 
  10. To test the certificate has been installed correctly, please close all Internet Browsers you have open and then test, you should now no longer receive certificate errors when Browsing the Internet.

If Errors Persist Please contact the HelpDesk or speak with your Onsite Technician.

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