Installing Broadband Certificate on iPad or iPhone

Modified on Wed, 12 Apr 2023 at 03:12 PM

For schools utilising a Smoothwall web filter a broadband certificate must be installed on devices to ensure the internet works correctly. Below provides instructions on how to install the broadband certificate on an iOS device. 

  1. Browse to this knowledgebase article on your Apple device and click the attachment below to download the broadband certificate directly to your device. Or go to HTTP:// and click on download
  2. Navigate to Settings, at the top of the settings bar, there should be an option which says Profile downloaded. Click on this.
  3. Select the Smoothwall Profile and then select Install to install the profile. 
  4. Visit Settings > General > About > Certificate Trust Settings. 
  5. Under "Enable full trust for root certificates", turn on trust for the certificate.
  6. The certificate is now installed. Test you are able to access or without any errors.

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