Outlook is not checking for emails often

Modified on Fri, 12 Jun 2020 at 12:03 PM

When using the Outlook Desktop Client, you may notice emails don't come through as often as the web version does. 

You can change how often Outlook checks for new emails, following this easy guide:

There are two methods to do this, it will vary on your device which will work best.

If you require assistance with this, please ask for our help.

  1. Cached Exchange Mode
  2. Change Send/Receive check interval

Cached Exchange Mode:

1. Click File > Info > Account Settings > Account Settings:

2. Click the Exchange or Microsoft 365, and then click Change.

3. Under Offline Settings, make sure Use Cached Exchange Mode is unchecked:

4. Exit, and then restart Outlook.

Change Send/Receive check interval:

1. Select Send/Receive > Send/Receive Groups > Define Send/Receive Groups:

2. Select the group you want to change.

3. Check Schedule an automatic send/receive every X minutes on both options:

4. Change the interval to how frequent you would like it to automatically check.

All done! The options provided in the screenshots above will check emails every 5 minutes for a new email, this can be reduced or raised to suit your needs.

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