Hints and tips for staff after migration to Office365

Modified on Sun, 03 Jun 2018 at 11:57 AM

Over the holidays we have migrated staff to Office 365 for their email. This has many benefits for staff and students alike, as well as assisting schools in their journeys to being GDPR compliant and reducing costs.

We have moved all emails from a server located at the school, to a server that is part of Office365. We have moved over all your data in this process, but there are a couple of changes you will need to make.

All your emails, addresses and folders are in place. Signatures and some rules may need to be recreated. Please note, that we have created school wide signatures in some cases.

Did you know? If you are just checking your emails, you do not need to login to Remote Desktop or the Secure Website - just visit https://outlook.office.com and enter your email address and network password.

Things that have changed:

  • Webmail has a new address for you to login at - https://outlook.office.com and you must login with your full email address and password
  • In school, Outlook needs to connect to Office365, for many, it is just a case of opening Outlook and entering your email and password and clicking remember me
    • For those users who have multiple accounts added in their outlook, please log a ticket and we will come and set this up again for you. You can login to webmail to directly access each account in the meantime, if you are unsure of usernames and passwords for these accounts, please contact us and we can provide these for you.
    • For those users who have a large amount of email, we recommend you delete as many emails as possible, especially in light of GDPR. Emails should only be kept if needed, and not just in case, unless they fall under retention policies in your organisation (typically finance or safeguarding and some HR).
    • If you do have a lot of emails, and keep these, Outlook will take a while to download them all, and this will impact on the speed of opening emails and using Outlook. We suggest you open Outlook, and leave it open to sync emails, and use Webmail. When leaving your PC, we recommend leaving outlook open, and your account locked - if you do this overnight all emails will sync
    • Syncing needs to occur on each PC you use. Once you have logged onto each PC once, subsequent syncs will only be the different before your previous login.
  • On mobile devices, we suggest you download and use the Outlook app from Microsoft. Your device will also need to have a 6 digit PIN to enable you to view emails on the device, if you haven't, your device will prompt you to make this change.

Enhanced security

  • Any emails sent from an external organisation will have a warning included in the email to make users aware, this is a new feature to remind users to check that the emails they are opening are legitimate, it does not confirm the emails are safe.

If you have any questions, please log a ticket, or use live chat or give us a call in open hours.

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