Clearing Pop Up Notifications From MS Edge

Modified on Mon, 03 Jul 2023 at 02:25 PM

Much like on your mobile phone you can get notifications through your browser 

Some of these are scare ware and trying to get you to enter payment details in an attempt at phishing 

example shown below 

This is actually just a website "notification" but it is designed to worry the user into visiting their website and possibly buying a product that at best doesn't work and at worst is actually malware.

To remove the notifications please follow these steps 

In the affected browser click on this link 


You will see something like this 

Then choose the website that is providing the pop ups and click on the > to edit its settings 

Click on Reset Permissions to stop the popups from the website 

Do this for each website you wish to remove notifications for and the popup notifications should stop 

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