BSOD Printing

Modified on Tue, 06 Apr 2021 at 12:59 PM

This is caused by update KB:5000802 and will blue screen after attempting to print. There is a temporary quick fix which will revert after turning the computer off, and a permanent solution, however this will require the use of an administrator account.

Temporary solution:

  1. Remotely connect into the users computer then you need to open Command Prompt
  2. Type the following command: wusa /uninstall /kb:5000802
  3. Follow the instructions on screen and press the prompted responses, after this the user will need to restart the computer and then printing should work fine for them.

Permanent Solution:

  1. Remotely connect to the computer that is already logged into administrator account or remote in and log in as an administrator account.
  2. Open file explorer and try and find the "progs$" folder on the server (this will either be in the storage or admin areas.
  3. Go to the folder BSOD 5000802 find and open the fix for the appropriate version of windows (either 2004 or 20H2)
  4. Run this fix, this could take up to 15 minutes and involves the user clicking on the prompted responses.
  5. After the update the user will need to restart the computer.

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