Ordering and Payment Questions

Modified on Fri, 09 Oct 2020 at 03:16 PM


If you have any questions on your order, delivery times or how to order, please contact Kelly Gunn via kelly@lourdesit.org.uk or 01527 376003 between 8:30am and 4:30pm.


Once ordered, you are unable to cancel your laptop order, and must complete the contribution payments that you agreed to on sign up.

If you have any issues making payments, or would like to discuss the finance - please contact your child's school in the first instance, who can advise on how they may be able to assist.

Viewing and updating your payments and payment details.

Your scheme is managed by CPU on behalf of your school. 

If you have any queries, you can contact the CPU administration team
by calling 0345 872 2156.

Office hours are Monday to Friday, 9am until 5pm.

Parents and Students can see the app to view contribution balances, make contribution via credit/debit card and also submit new insurance claims or track existing claims.


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