Immersive Reader - Guide to use.

Modified on Tue, 25 Sep 2018 at 08:03 AM

Immersive Reader is a free tool that implements proven techniques to improve reading and writing for people, regardless of their age or ability. Immersive Reader can improve reading comprehension and increase fluency for English language learners. It can help build confidence for emerging readers learning to read at higher levels, and offer text decoding solutions for students with learning differences such as dyslexia.

It is available in OneNote, Word, and the web version of Outlook. It is also available in Office Lens for iOS.


Tell Me a Bit More. Why Should I Use Immersive Reader?

immersive reader example

Immersive Reader lets you: 

  • Change font size, text spacing, and background colour.
  • Split up words into syllables.
  • Highlight verbs, nouns, adjectives and sub-clauses.
  • Choose between two fonts optimised to help with reading.
  • Read out text aloud, and change the speed of reading.


Immersive reader can even work with pictures scanned from books, not just text typed directly into OneNote. The Optical Character Recognition (OCR) built into OneNote can actually decipher text within a picture, and then make that available in the Immersive Reader.

Using Immersive Reader

Immersive Reader, included in OneNote Learning Tools, is a full screen reading experience to increase readability of content in OneNote documents. Learning Tools is designed to support students with dyslexia and dysgraphia in the classroom, but can support anyone who wants to make reading on their device easier.

  1. For OneNote 2013 or 2016, open OneNote, then select Learning Tools > Immersive Reader.

    For OneNote for Windows 10, Mac, or iPad, open OneNote, then select View > Immersive Reader.

  2. Immersive reader button

    For OneNote Online, go to, open a notebook, then select View > Immersive Reader.

  3.  Immersive reader button

  4. To hear the paragraphs read to you, select Play.

  5. To listen from a certain point on your page, select that word.

Immersive Reader has several options to make it easier for you to read text from OneNote.

Text options

The Text Options menu lets you:

Parts of speech

Parts of Speech controls grammar highlighting and helps readers understand complex sentences. Learn more: Highlight parts of speech.

Immersive reader parts of speech

Reading preferences

Line Focus menu toggle

Line Focus enables readers to narrow the focus of their reading experience by highlighting sets of one, three, or five lines within their chosen material in Immersive Reader. Learn more: Turn on line focus

Currently this feature is only available in OneNote for Windows 10, OneNote Online, Word Online, and Outlook Online. 

Line Focus interface

Picture Dictionary gives you the ability to click on any single word and have it read aloud.

Voice options

Control the voice speed and speaker with Voice Options. Learn more: Change the voice in Immersive Reader

Immersive reader voice speed and gender

Shortcut keys for Immersive Reader

Use keyboard shortcuts to navigate.

  • Up/Down arrow scrolls line by line

  • Page Up/Page Down scrolls screen by screen

  • Left/Right arrow goes to previous/next page in your OneNote Notebook

  • Esc key closes the reader or menu

  • Tab advances to the next control in Immersive Reader settings

  • Space selects the current tool

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