Signing into Office365 in the office programs

Modified on Fri, 13 Apr 2018 at 12:36 PM

Sign in with your email address and Network Password in Word, Excel or Powerpoint. Once this has been done you can save files to your OneDrive. 

Note: you can do this with any version of Office, at home or in school.

In any office program, click the Sign In button at the top right of the screen. Once signed in, your name will appear at the top right of the screen.

Saving to Onedrive

File > Save as > onedrive (email address underneath). 

You can then login to OneDrive and file will appear. 

Opening from OneDrive

This can only be done if you have followed above steps to sign into office through desktop icons.

Click File > Open > OneDrive

Accessing OneDrive outside of Office Programs

You can access OneDrive from your Office365 login. (Follow links on start pages or desktops or

You can login to office at home to link it up as in school. 

Finally, you can download the OneDrive App onto your device as well.

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