MAC Moderation- Using OneDrive

Modified on Wed, 04 Apr 2018 at 04:01 PM

1) Follow the link emailed to you prior to the moderation event

a. The first time you follow this link, you will get an email with a code you need to enter into the website to enable you to access the link. Please follow the instructions. 

After using this link, you can login to your OneDrive at and click on Shared with me on the left hand side without the need for the link, however the link in the email will still work. 

2) If you cannot access this link after logging in, please contact so we can share the file with you. Please ensure this is checked prior to the moderation event.

- Note: You should not be using the OneDrive app; as earlier versions are not compatible.

- Please ensure you have taken the photos prior to uploading, as on some older iPads Safari crashes when you choose the take photo button on upload.

Uploading Evidence to OneDrive

3) On your device, press the Upload button

a. On an iPad choose from gallery, and upload any photos you have taken before. You can upload multiple pictures by tapping all the photos you want to upload, which will upload to your current folder, so ensure you are in the correct location prior to upload.

b. On a Windows Device - click upload, and locate your photos. If you have taken them on a tablet, they will be in your N Drive, and within your Pictures > Camera Role folder. Ensure you are in the correct folder prior to upload.

Share folder with other users

If you need to share the folder to other users, please do the following:

- Click into MAC and Partnership Moderation folder

- Click Share

- Change the option from Anyone with the link can view and edit to Specific People, and click Apply (See screenshot, right)

- Enter their email address and an optional message, click send.

Troubleshooting tips:

  • Cannot login to shared folder following link
  • Request access from Lourdes IT or a colleague with access (See share folder with other users above.)
  • Cannot see the file in Shared Files in OneDrive.
  • Ensure you have followed the link at least once. Refresh the OneDrive page, and the link should appear

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