How to process a returned Student Device Scheme Laptop

Modified on Wed, 19 Apr 2023 at 12:14 PM

Setup a GAP Claim for the laptop
Setting up a GAP claim for the school instructions below:
Please login to genie
Out of the options on your left hand side, select Claims
Make a claim,
Input the serial number  
Select GAP as the type of claim (at the bottom)
Fill out the claims form
I’ve attached the policy wording to this email so you can check you have met the terms of the policy.
We will need to see evidence that you have tried to get the contributions from the parent and been unsuccessful, we will also need to see that the school have tried to re-distribute the devices out to other students and been unsuccessful.
If the claim is successful our Salvage company will be in contact to arrange collection of the device and we will advise the settlement figure due to the school.

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