Arbor - Suspected Duplicates

Modified on Thu, 01 Jul 2021 at 05:32 PM

While using Arbor, you may accumulate some duplicates. This article will explain how to view your suspected duplicates and how you can deal with them.

To find your suspected duplicates go to School -> Data -> Data Quality Dashboard

Down the left side of the data quality dashboard, you will see a suspected duplicates section. 

The different suspected duplicates groups are students, guardians, staff, and emails. For the purposes of the article, I shall be checking the guardian duplicates.

Yellow - Less likely duplicates

Orange - Likely duplicates

Red - Very likely duplicates

I have clicked on the yellow shaded field called Mr Duncan Allen; this is classed as a less likely duplicate based on the number of cells that match. I have made the decision to delete Guardian B and just keep Guardian A.

You can review both guardians with the Guardian A and Guardian B buttons. You can select the resolution to change it to Delete Guardian B.

In this resolve duplicates, I have opened the duplicate and Arbor believe this to be a very likely duplicate. As we can see from further checking, both students are related but they have not been recorded properly as related in Arbor. This has then resulted in the same guardian being created twice, one with the wrong date of birth. I will check through to see which Guardian has the most accurate records and has more populated fields. I can then delete them and join the second student with the other guardian.

You are required to record a unique email for everyone who uses Arbor. If parents have the same email recorded, they will not be able to log in correctly. You can review and edit these details from this screen.

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