Arbor - Resetting a Users Password

Modified on Wed, 16 Jun 2021 at 12:41 PM

There are various scenarios, in which you may need to reset your password:
- You cannot sign in as you have forgotten your password.
- You would like to change your password but you know what it is currently.
- You are an administrative role and you would like to change a person's password.

You cannot sign in as you have forgotten your password.

1. You can go to your school's login page for Arbor and select

"Forgot your password?"

2. You can then enter your school email address, which will 

then send you an email with instructions on how to reset

your password. Ensure you have checked your junk folder, if the email is not in your inbox.


You would just like to change your password but you know what it is currently.

1. Navigate to My Items -> My Account

2. Scroll down to the Login Details section of your account. Then select "Click to change password".

You are an administrative role and you would like to change a person's password.

1. Go to School -> Users & Security. This will bring you into the area in which you can manage users easily.

2. Below, you will see the User List, which is accessible by selecting "User List" from the left side. Once this is selected you can click on the staff member in which you would like to reset their password. 

  • If you select "Reset Password" this will send the user a link to reset their password. (Please note that this link is only valid for up to 96 hours)
  • If you select "Change Password" this will allow yourself to change the password. (Please note that this will not notify the user that their password has been changed. You will need to inform them of the change.)
  • Do not disable accounts from this menu, unless it is for a temporary reason. If a staff member leaves the school, you should close their account by ending business roles by setting an end date. 

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