Arbor - Create a CTF

Modified on Tue, 29 Jun 2021 at 03:52 PM

When students move schools, you will be asked to create a CTF file to send over to the new school so that they may upload the new students into their Arbor, SIMS or other MIS environment. 
Please ensure that you have the right permissions to undertake this task.

In the top menu in Arbor, go to School -> Data -> Export -> CTF Export.

Select the type of CTF you would like to export. For the purposes of the article, we will export a Full CTF. This is what you would require when a student is moving schools. Once you have selected the Full tab, you can click the green Add button on the right.

A Window will appear on the side of the screen, asking for CTF Details. You should select the Academic Year, which students you require the CTF for and the destination of where the students are going to.

The next stage of the create CTF will appear. 

Select the destination Local Authority. Next, select the school within that Local Authority.

You also have a chance to double check you are selecting the right students, if you have changed your mind or made a mistake by adding a student that you should not have, you can untick them here.

When happy with the input, select the green Create CTF in the bottom right.

Confirm Yes to this message that will appear once you have looked at it and are happy to proceed.

On the CTF Exports screen, you can click your recent export by selecting one of the fields for it. 

A side window will then appear in which you can select Download, to download the CTF so that you may send it onto another school.

Any questions contact 

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