Adding media to a Wordpress Site

Modified on Tue, 06 Apr 2021 at 01:19 PM

This article will explain how to add media onto a Wordpress Website. You may want to add media for the purposes of making the website look presentable. Media is the form of photos and videos.

What you need before using this article:

- A login to your school website with editing permissions.

- The ability to log into your Wordpress site.

1. Go to your website web address and log in.

2. Once logged into your site, go to the left side of the screen and select 'Media'.


3. Go into your Documents on your computer and drag/drop the videos/photos into the media section. This will add the items to your website.

4. Go to the page in which you would like to add the media on the website. You can navigate there by going to 'Pages' then search the page with the search bar in the top right.

5.  Once on the page you would like to add media, select 'Edit with Elementor'. This is a more up to date and modern editor which makes adding media easier.

6. Add an image or video widget through the widget menu on the left by drag/dropping it into the new box.

7. Select the image icon on the left and you can then select an image from your media library (where you uploaded to earlier.)

8. Your image should now appear on the webpage.

9. Select green 'update' in the bottom left of the page, this will save your changes from what you have added onto the website.

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