Spring Census 2021 bulletin - 14th January

Modified on Thu, 14 Jan 2021 at 09:23 AM

DfE Census is still happening on Thursday 21st January 

The DfE have decided that the Spring Census on Thursday 21st January will still go ahead. 

They are still compiling details about what will be collected so please still perform your dummy census runs to check you data. 

The current Fileset is 1704. 

Due to the late nature of the information getting to Capita, we cannot guarantee that we will have the time to perform the import for you therefore please check the fileset version before performing any dummy runs. If the fileset does not match the latest, perform the following: 

  1. Download the fileset from https://faq.scomis.org/kb22375/  and save to a folder. 
  2. Open the file from that folder and you will see two files.  Copy those files into s:\sims\manifest files folder. 
  3. Within SIMS, use the import Fileset functionality (via Tools | Setups | Import FIleset) to update the files.  You will need to restart SIMS before performing any census tasks. 

We will update you when we hear of a new fileset. 


Guides for Primary/Secondary schools are available on this article.


Catholic Census 

The Catholic Census also needs to be performed by Catholic schools.  This starts on Thursday 21st January and needs to be submitted by Friday 12th February. 

More information can be found at CES Census - SIMS Users (cesewcensus.org.uk) 

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