Spring 2020 School Census Bulletin - 16th January 2020

Modified on Tue, 14 Jan 2020 at 11:41 AM




This FAQ lists the latest information regarding the School Census. It contains information on the latest filesets, patches and errors. The latest census documentation can be viewed at the bottom of this FAQ.

Census Date: 16th January 2020


Latest Census Information



14/01/2020 - 11:30

Fileset 1403

The fileset 1403 has now been released.

10/01/2020 – 09:30Fileset 1403 and Patch 25529

Capita have advised that they are in the process of creating the new fileset. Once we have this, we will upload it to the bulletin for non-hosted schools.

For Hosted schools, we are waiting for the fileset and will apply both across the platform at the same time.

08/01/2020 – 11:30Fileset 1403

We are currently waiting for Fileset 1403 to be released. Once we have the fileset, the bulletin will be updated.

08/01/2020 – 11:20Selected period for Census Day

The selected time for your school is based on the last digit of your DFE number, please see table below for which period your school should be using:

Last Digit of DFE number        Period for Census Day

0, 1 or 5The selected time is one hour after the start of afternoon school
2,3 or 6The selected time is one hour after the start of morning school
4,7,8 or 9The selected time is one hour before the end of morning school
07/01/2020 – 15:00See update below from Capita:
  1. The ‘Exclusions collect from’ field in the Census Details panel of Routines | Statutory Returns | Schools Census must display 22/04/2019 rather than 01/09/2019.
  2. The reasons for a leaver being included in the return must be extended to include those who have no other reason for being included in the return other than exclusion data for the summer term 2019.
  3. The collection of exclusions data must be extended to include the summer term 2019.
  4. The collection of exclusion reviews data must be removed.
  5. SIMS detail reports must be adjusted to indicate that exclusions for the summer term 2019 are being included.
  6. DfE validation must be adjusted to take account of exclusions being collected for the summer term 2019.
  7. DfE validation must be adjusted to take account of exclusion reviews data NOT being collected.
  8. DfE summary report must be adjusted to take account of exclusions being collected for the summer term 2019.
  9. DfE summary report must be adjusted to take account of exclusion reviews data NOT being collected.

Patch 25529 will resolve issues 1-4 above.

Fileset 1403 will resolve issues 5-9 above.

 07/01/2020 – 14:45Changes to the SIMS detailed reports.
  • Report criteria for the ‘Leavers – Basic Data’ report changed from ‘Leavers with exclusions (01/09/2019 – 31/12/2019)’ to ‘Leavers with exclusions (22/04/2019 – 31/12/2019).
  • Report criteria for the ‘Exclusions’ report changed from ‘Fixed term exclusions (excluding Lunchtime exclusions) starting (01/09/2019 – 31/12/2019)’ to ‘Fixed term exclusions (excluding Lunchtime exclusions) starting (22/04/2019 – 31/12/2019)’.
  • Report criteria for the ‘Exclusions’ report changed from ‘Permanent exclusions (01/09/2019 – 31/12/2019)’ to ‘Permanent exclusions (22/04/2019 – 31/12/2019)’.
  • All references to exclusion reviews removed from the ‘Exclusions’ report.
 07/01/2020 – 14:45New Validation Checks from the DFE 

1849: Please check: Pupil aged 3 or 4 recorded with post looked after arrangements would be expected to be in receipt of early years pupil premium with a basis for funding of …
1853Q: Please check: A pupil aged 3 or 4 eligible for FSM would be expected to be in receipt of early years pupil premium with a basis for funding of …
1861: Early years pupil premium only required for pupils aged 3 and 4
1862: Early years pupil premium not required for pupils aged 4 in reception or above

Although the DfE has not mentioned this, we believe that rule 2470 (Attendance information is not required for this pupil as they are either aged less than 4, over 15 or are a boarder) has also been updated.

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