Autumn 2020 School Census

Modified on Tue, 22 Sep 2020 at 07:49 PM

School Census Date – Thursday 1st October 2020 

Return Date – 28th October 2020

Direct link to Scomis information for schools: 

Please note - please contact Lourdes IT, not Scomis with any questions

Latest Census Information


Follow on from Prior Attainment Update

We have been made aware of error 1638 occurring for examples similar to the screenshot below. We are looking into this with Capita and will update when we have further information.

Error 1638

Capita have advised that the DFE are going to advise schools to ignore error 1638 as the coding is incorrect and causing this error. They may provide a new fileset to resolve this problem but you can ignore this error if one is not made in time for upload.


Change to  reporting of English GCSE Prior Attainment Achievement

Please see update below from Capita/DFE with regards to the changes within Prior Attainment reporting.

“The DfE uses the English GCSE Prior Attainment achievement values of ‘Achieved by end of year 11’, ‘Achieved since year 11’ and ‘Not achieved’ for what they refer to as ‘block 2’ funding. However, for the purposes of this funding, achievement of prior attainment in English must be taken to mean achievement of English Language GCSE prior attainment and must not take account of English Literature GCSE. With this in mind the DfE has changed it’s CBDS (Common Basic Date Set) for this item to refer to ‘English Language’ rather than ‘English’.

The DfE has pointed out that both English Language AND English Literature remain relevant for the ‘condition of funding’.

With the above in mind, from our Summer Release 2020 onwards, we will change the heading for this column in Tools | Statutory Returns Tools | Update Prior Attainment to refer to ‘English Language Prior Attainment’ rather than ‘English Prior Attainment’ and modify our ‘Populate from Exams’ calculation in line with this.”

“The exclusion of English Literature for ‘block 2’ funding was also the case for academic year 2019/20, so the DfE expects this be taken into account when reporting on 2019/20 as well as 2020/21 in School Census Autumn 2020.

For example, if a student achieved grade 3 GCSE English Language and grade 5 English Literature by the end of their year 11 they may well have been reported as achieving English Priory Attainment by the end of year 11 for School Census Autumn 2019, but this would not be the case for achieving English Language Prior Attainment for School Census Autumn 2020.”


Faut Code 6648-4447-9000 – Error when Calculating Autumn 2020 School Census Return

Some secondary based schools will get the above error when clicking ‘Calculate All Details’ within the census. Capita have advised they are creating a patch to resolve this so please log a call with us if you receive this error.


Producing the School Census Handbooks

Capita have now made all of the handbooks available and they can now be downloaded from the bottom of this page.


Validation Errors

Capita have released the Validation and Resolutions document for the Autumn Census. You can download the files below.

Excel Download

PDF Download




Fileset 1602

Fileset 1602 is now available please click here for the download and instructions on importing the new fileset.


Producing the School Census handbooks

Capita have now released the handbook for all through schools. This can be downloaded from the bottom of this page and as the other handbooks are created, links will become available for download.



  • T-Levels are a new qualification coming in 2020. All information about T-Levels can be found here –
  • A video is linked below with information from Capita on T-Levels and T-Level Transitions.



Changes to the census since the Summer release:


  • SIMS will still include attendance collected for the census in exactly the same way as previous years but the DFE will remove any attendance data when they receive the file. 


  • Exclusions will be collected over the whole of the 19/20 Academic year

Eligibility for FSM

  • SIMS will collect the data for FSM between 17/01/2020- 01/10/2020.


  • SIMS will include any leaver that has attendance and/or exclusions date to report, but will also include any other leaver with a DOB between 01/09/2003 and the 31/08/2015 (inclusive), who has a DOL between 01/01/2020 and 31/07/2020 (inclusive) and is not a boarder on the census reference date.
  • This extra requirement is to make sure that the DFE will receive data for pupils who let during the spring term but are missing attendance from the Spring term.

DFE Validation and Summary Reports

  • All changes to validation will be made available in a fileset as soon as possible.



Guidance Notes

  • All Autumn Census guides will need to be updated due to the amount of changes made by the DFE. Capita are working on changing the guides and as soon as they are complete, they will all be uploaded available to download from this FAQ. 


Changes to DFE Validations

Date only amendments

100, 1873Q, 1570, 1763, 1770, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1851, 1852, 1854, 1855, 1861, 1862, 1867, 1868, 1875, 1876, 3046, 3047, 3100, 3110, 3120, 3130, 3140, 3200, 5170, 5190, 5200, 5230, 5235, 1877Q, 1878Q, 1893Q, 2695Q, 2775Q, 3080Q, 3085Q, 3090Q, 1880, 1882, 1881Q, 1883Q, 1885Q, 1890Q, 1900Q, 1910Q, 1925Q, 2010Q, 2040Q, 2050Q, 2500, 2510, 2502Q, 2575, 2578, 2579, 2576Q, 2290, 2870, 2708Q and 2709Q

Date and check amendments

1886, 1887 and 1992

Check only amendments

1993, 2717, 2715Q, 2470, 2480, 2490, 2505, 2530, 2485Q, 2540Q, 2550Q, 2560Q, 2570Q, 2571, 2572, 2574, 2577, 2582, 2583Q, 2584Q, 2280, 2735, 2820, 2706Q and 2707Q

New validation rules

2916, 2921, 2936, 2941, 1894, 1895, 1896, 2260, 2265, 2880, 2815, 2816, 5166, 2874, 2875, 2876, 2877, 2879, 2885, 2886, 2887, 2888, 2889, 2890, 2891, 2892, 2893, 2894, 2895, 2896, 2897, 2898, 2899, 2900, 2901, 2902, 2903, 2905, 2905, 2906Q and 2907Q

Changes related to Covid-19

RFC 1133: Attendance data removed on upload to COLLECT and compensating leavers included according to DOB and DOL

1882, 1881Q, 1925Q, 5057, 2470, 2480, 2490, 2500, 2505, 2510, 2530, 2548Q, 2502Q, 2540Q, 2550Q, 2560Q, 2571, 2572, 2573, 2574, 2575, 2577, 2578, 2579, 2582, 5080, 2576Q, 2583Q, 2584Q

RFC 1135: Start date for collection of exclusion records changed from 01/01/2020 to 01/09/2019


RFC 1136: Start date for collection of eligibility for FSM records changed from 22/05/2020 to 17/01/2020



Producing the School Census – Autumn 2020 – All Through Schools

Producing the School Census – Autumn 2020 – Nursery Schools

Producing the School Census – Autumn 2020 – Primary/Middle deemed Primary Schools

Producing the School Census – Autumn 2020 – Secondary/ Middle deemed Secondary Schools

Producing the School Census – Autumn 2020 – Special Schools

Producing the School Census – Autumn 2020 – Pupil Referral Units

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