B2B Task error

Modified on Wed, 18 Apr 2018 at 01:32 PM

When trying to create a new B2B Task (if the sims server has been migrated or moved or restored) you may get an error when setting up the B2B task in SIMS.

Things to check:

  1. Services on server:  Ensure the SQL Server is running as Local System.

    This can be configured in SQL Server Configuration Manager | SQL Server Services | Right click your SQL server | Properties | Login as: Built-in account - Local System.

    If it is required to run the service as another user you will need to grant this user Logon as Service and Logon as batch job within the servers Local Security Policy (Administrative Tools | Local Security Policy | User Rights Assignment). The scheduled tasks will be created using the same user that the sql service is running as.
  2. Tasks: remove the old tasks from the C:\Windows\Tasks and recreated the tasks. 
  3. Retry creating the task and verify it's successful.

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