How to add a behaviour record into Bromcom

Modified on Tue, 21 Mar 2023 at 03:33 PM

For additional information not in this guide, please visit: How to Record a Behaviour Event for a Student – Bromcom 

or for the general knowledge base for Bromcom

Click on Modules>Behaviour>Event Records

New Record

Click on Add Student in the top left, this is where you assign the student who has commited or received the act or reward, respectively.

Next in the right side of the window, select the event type as in whether it is positive, Neutral or negative, choosing the event type filters the events panel below; then underneath, select the event. This should populate the points section depending on the type of event.

Add a comment and select the staff member that reported the issue, this can be different from the logged by user. 

Any information required has a red star next to it, so the Comments, Owner, Date/Time, the user and the Event type and Event are required.

There are more options to select if you need to add further information. To do this click on more settings.

In here you can add comments only visible to staff. You can add other options in this menu as well.

When you are done, click on Submit and Close or Submit.

To Delete a behaviour record

Click on the behaviour in the bottom menu.

Click on Delete at the top of the screen, and then click OK

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