Arbor - Managing Consents

Modified on Wed, 30 Jun 2021 at 04:11 PM

Arbor allows you to manage and record consents for your students. Any consents you create can be accepted or declined on the Parent App to save on sending letters or phone calls home.
Please ensure you have permissions to create consents before attempting to.
For consents to appear in the Parent App, you will need to be using the parent app.

To view and manage the different consents that you have at your school, go to the top menu in Arbor and select Students -> Parents & Guardians -> Parental Consents.

You can click into existing consents or you can create a parental consent by clicking the green box in the top left. This will bring out a side window that will request:

A name for the consent (What are you consenting to? This is visible to parents)

A description (This is a description of what the consent is for, this is visible to parents)

A checkbox on whether you would like to automatically gather consent, if you tick this box every parent will be requested to give consent to their child across the entire school. This will not be specific to classes or students.

When you click into the existing consents from the parental consents page, you can edit the name, description and auto request fields. You can view the status on everyone who has been asked for consent, this can be filtered by academic year or the registration form. You can download a list if required.

Within an existing consent, you can click the green add button to add a request consent, you can add an entire class, year group, individuals or other demographics which may require consent. You can also navigate to an individual student's profile to add a pending or received consent. This will then allow the parent to go into parent portal and accept this.

If a parent or guardian has phoned the school or you need to change the status of a consent for a reason you can either navigate to a student's profile and go to the consent section. You can then click the consent on the profile which opens a side menu to edit whether permission has been given and by which parent/guardian. (If the parent/guardian is not in the list, you should check whether they are linked to the student and whether they are the correct priorities.)


You can click a consent to edit it or green button to add a pending consent.

You can go to the top menu in Arbor and select Students -> Parents & Guardians -> Parental Consents. Open the consent you would like to edit the student's status on. You can then find the student in the list of those under this consent, it then allows you to edit it in the same way of changing the consent status and which parent/guardian has requested the change.

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