Adding the Boomerang Add-In to Office 365 + Outlook

Modified on Mon, 06 Jan 2020 at 04:04 PM


Install via Program

1. Open Outlook

2. Select Get Add-Ins or (search for add ins in the search bar above)

3. Search for Boomerang in the top right corner

4. Click install then > Get Started - This will add these services to your outlook

5. You will find new buttons will appear in you outlook task bar / ribbon and also when you select new mail 
Ribbon View

New Mail View

Install via Online

1. Log into

2. Open the Outlook app

3. Click the new message button 

4. On toolbar below the message box select the ellipsis

5. From the ellipsis select get Add-Ins

6. Search for Boomerang in the top right corner

7. Click install then > Get Started - This will add these services to your outlook

8. You will find new buttons will appear in you outlook task bar as a boomerang symbol

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