SIMS Parent App - Approving changes into SIMS

Modified on Mon, 26 Apr 2021 at 08:36 AM

  1. Login to SIMS. You must have been set up to allow updates, please speak to IT about this.
  2. Locate the SLG Alerts box

If no SLGAlerts button is present, please see at the end of this article.

Click on the Data Collection Sheets text, and any pending changes should be present, you can use the drop down to enable the changes to be written into SIMs, when complete, press the Mark as Closed button.

The parent will then be updated, and the data written back to SIMS, or not depending on your choice and the type of data.

Adding the SLGAlerts box.

  1. Login to SIMS
  2. Click Configure
  3. Move the SLG Alerts Icon onto the grid on the right hand side.
  4. Click OK

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