Senso - How to log in multiple computers using Senso

Modified on Fri, 09 Sep 2022 at 08:47 AM

This guide will be handy if you wish to log in to a classroom of computers to enable you to setup the class before the students arrive, great idea for web-based activities or tests.

  1. Click on the room on the left-hand side, some PC's may not be selected as that tick box only does the PC's it can see on the current page, to select all the PC's in the room please do the following: At the bottom of the devices screen, change the drop down to 35:
    After you have changed the drop down, click on the tick box shown in the image below
  2. On the top bar, click on Log on: image

  3. On the left hand bar type the username, password and in the domain type: (If you are doing this for another school, then replace the domain with the schools domain, typically, it will be [School Code]

  4. Then click run. It should log into every PC that Senso can see and interact with.

  5. To log out en-masse click on End Session, then under end session type - select logout. Under Delay, you can change how quickly the PC logs off


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